Jade4spring v.1.1.1 jade4spring enables integration of the Java Agent Development Framework (JADE) in your Spring application-context.It's a great tool to test programs that you think are thread safe. Iron Maiden v.1.0 A Java agent that will transform classes such that anything that could go wrong in a multi-threaded environment will go wrong.StackTraceSealer v.rc StackTraceSealer is a JConsole plugin with its own Java Agent Library that can be used to seal stack frames on a thread stack trace to detect whether these frames have changed or they have remained the same all the time to aid in finding an infinite.AMASBE v.1.0 AMASBE (Advanced Multi Agent System Bullwhip Effect) is a bullwhip-effect control system for supply chains based on forecasts that uses Java Agent DEvelopment Framework (JADE).FJADE v.1.0 FJADE - Fuzzy Java Agent DEvelopment Framework is a framework to develop multi- agent based fuzzy systems in compliance with the FIPAspecifications.
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Produced under the Google Summer of Code program with the help of Quantum Leap Interactive and Jabber, Inc.
XMPP MTP v.1.0 Message Transport Protocol (MTP) implementation using XMPP for the Java Agent DEvelopment framework (JADE). It simplifies the implementation of multi- agent systems through a middle-ware that complies with the FIPA specifications. NADE v.1.0 NADE is a port of JADE ( Java Agent Development Framework)) for Java to the. POGG v.2010 POGG (Programação Orientada a Graficos de Gantt) é um modelo de programação que permite a distribuição de tarefas num Sistema Multiagente (SMA) criado com a plataforma JADE ( Java Agent DEvelopment Framework), formando uma grade. Features include an AWT GUI, record/playback functionality, and tournament. Players program a Java agent that participates in a game that combines the classic Tron and PacMan games. Jtronic v.1.0beta1 JTronic is a game designed for programming competitions. The instrumented methods may be set either manually via UI or. Runtime statistics are collected for the dynamically detected flows during snapshot interval. Java Flow Profiler (Jflop) v.2.0.1 Java agent which recognizes "flows" as unique sequences of instrumented method calls. Java Agent Space Environment v.1.0 Java agent-based environment.